30 MAY 2016 by ideonexus
LSD Mimics a Baby's Brain
So let's think. What is it like to be a baby? What's it like to be a child? Our emotions go up and down. We might be in a sort of happy, sort of ecstatic state one minute, giggling, finding everything funny and silly - similar things happen on psychedelics - and then the next minute there's a sudden shift and we're bawling our eyes out, you know? Similar kind of emotional sensitivities and hyper-imaginative processes occur with a psychedelic. Also something quite intriguing is that sense of ...Folksonomies: cognition plasticity
Folksonomies: cognition plasticity
01 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Marijuana Use is Self-Regulating
There is a very nice self-titering aspect to cannabis. Each puff is a very small dose; the time lag between inhaling a puff and sensing its effect is small; and there is no desire for more after the high is there. I think the ratio, R, of the time to sense the dose taken to the time required to take an excessive dose is an important quantity. R is very large for LSD (which I've never taken) and reasonably short for cannabis. Small values of R should be one measure of the safety of psychedelic...Because the period of time between the puff of smoke and its effect on the user, it is easy to regulate how high you want to get when smoking it.
29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Self-Awareness is Not the Self
Is self-awareness what constitutes a self? Self-awareness can be altered by psychoactive drugs, electrical stimulation, political or religious propaganda, even advertising.Folksonomies: consciousness identity
Folksonomies: consciousness identity
Self-awareness is too easily influenced.